Newsletter 19.07.24
Just like that another school year is over. I know I always say it, but I cannot believe how quickly the past couple of weeks have gone- it feels like we have only just finished GCSEs and the end of term is already here. It must be because of the action packed schedule we have had over the last few weeks.
Newsletter 12.07.24
Good afternoon everyone, what a week we have had as we have all left The Hurlingham Academy behind and been learning across the city! Y10 have done us proud on work experience! Ms. Mackay and Ms. Morris have visited so many great businesses and organisations and seen our Y10 students hard at work.
Newsletter 05.07.24
Good afternoon everyone, Please could I ask you to consider donating a tin or packet of biscuits to our Food Bank? We are launching this again as the summer holidays can be extremely difficult for many of our school families as well as those in the wider community.
Newsletter 28.06.24
So many highlights this week! Firstly, thank you to the parents who came to support our Y9s graduating. It was a lovely celebration and we are confident that they will take the transition to KS4 with confidence and also successfully.
Newsletter 21.06.24
Good afternoon everyone! Last night was our annual Y11 Prom and it was brilliant to see all our Y11 students dressed up so beautifully for the occasion. It was held at The Copthorne Tara Hotel in Kensington and our students thoroughly enjoyed the venue and behaved very maturely.
Newsletter 14.06.24
Y11 left us this week as they completed the last big exam and we saw them off with the Circle of Truth and shirt signing. It is now the Y10s who step up to lead the school as role models and support to the younger years.
Newsletter 07.06.24
I hope you all have had a lovely half term. It has been wonderful to have the students back in school and there is a real buzz around the assessments which start next week.
Newsletter 24.05.24
Good afternoon everyone! The highlight of this week was a guest speaker who came into Year 7 assembly to talk about his father, John Smythe.
Newsletter 17.05.24
Good afternoon everyone, The highlight for many students this week were the trips that took place.
Newsletter 10.05.24
Year 8 Food styling, South West London College transition support, Mental Health Awareness Week, Trip to Chelsea, Key dates and more