Summary of our 2024 ExAmination results

TOP GRADES FOR THE HURLINGHAM ACADEMY STUDENTS YET AGAINAvery achieved 9 grade 9s, plus an 8 and a 7

2024 continues our track record of excellent GCSE results:

  • Just under 2/3 of grades were at 7 or higher
  • 3/4 of grades were 5+
  • 83% were 4+

These successes were also mirrored in the EBacc, which measures students’ performances across at least seven GCSEs in the five areas: English language, English literature, maths, double science or biology, chemistry and physics, history or geography and a language. This year, over half (53%) of The Hurlingham Academy’s Year 11s achieved the EBacc at grade 4 or above, with 41% of them doing so at grade 5 or higher.

The following students achieved a particularly impressive set of results:

  • Avery: 9x Grade 9, 1x Grade 8, 1x Grade 7
  • Matheus: 8x Grade 9 , 2x Grade 8, 1x Grade 7, 1x Grade 6
  • Jordan: 7x Grade 9, 4x Grade 8
  • Christine: 7x Grade 9, 3x Grade 8, 1x Grade 7
  • Artyom: 7x Grade 9, 3x Grade 8, 1x Grade 6
  • Tamila: 7x Grade 9, 3x Grade 8, 1x Grade 6

Just under 2/3 of GCSE grades at The Hurlingham Academy were 7+

Examination Results 2023

English and Maths at 4+ / C+


 English and Maths 5+ / C+


 Progress 8 score


 Attainment 8


 EBACC at 4+


 EBACC at 5+


Students and staff at The Hurlingham Academy in Hammersmith and Fulham are celebrating some stand-out performances as they collect their results today.

Now that exam arrangements have returned to pre-pandemic levels this year, the school’s overall results have also confirmed significant improvements on key measures since the last comparable figures in 2019.

An impressive three quarters of all Year 11s at the school (75%) achieved a grade 5 or above in both English and maths, whilst 41% of them achieved a grade 7 or higher in the two subjects.

Across a broader range of subjects, the school also performed well: 

  • 83% of students achieved a grade 5 or above in either English Literature or Language, with 50% achieving grade 7 or above; 
  • 77% of students achieved a grade 5 or above in maths, with 50% achieving grade 7 or above; 
  • In Chemistry, Physics and Biology, 100% of students achieved a grade 6 or above; 
  • In Spanish, 100% of students achieved a grade 5 or above, with 73% achieving grade 7 or above; 
  • In Business, 88% of students achieved a grade 5 or above, with 48% achieving grade 7 or above. 

In addition to the headline improvements, there have been some excellent individual performances, including from:

  • Chloe Z, who achieved an amazing twelve straight grade 9s;
  • Anais and Yan, who each achieved ten grade 9s and a grade 8;
  • Ilgaz, who achieved eight grade 9s, two grade 8s and two grade 7s;
  • Timofey, who achieved seven grade 9s, two grade 8s and a grade 7;
  • Arian K, who achieved seven grade 9s, two grade 8s, a grade 7 and a grade 6;
  • Ravi, who achieved four grade 9s and six grade 8s;
  • Safia, who achieved two grade 9s, seven grade 8s and a grade 7;
  • Undram, who achieved two grade 9s, five grade 8s, two grade 7s and a grade 5.

Commenting on this year’s results, Leon Wilson, Principal at The Hurlingham Academy, said:  

“It has been fantastic to see students celebrating not only some exceptional individual performances today but a set of results for the whole cohort that puts us among some of the best schools in the country.

“Each student has been a credit to themselves during their time at The Hurlingham Academy – showing character and determination amid the challenges of the pandemic and excelling in their GCSE studies.

“These results will provide strong foundations for success as they move onto Sixth Form and further study – we can’t wait to see what they do next.”

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