How you can help with GCSE preparation
In order to ensure your child achieves the best results, we need your support leading up to and during GCSE exams. Please read the information provided in supporting your child with their exams or get directly in touch with a member of the Year 11 team.
Who can I speak to?
Ms Quinton, Vice Principal
Annie Stanford, Assistant Principal KS4 & Head of Year 11
What can I do to help my child revise?
- Ensure your child’s attendance is above 96%.
- Check your child is doing their homework.
- Ensure your child is attending holiday interventions.
- Create space for your child to revise at home.
- Keep in close contact with us.
- Talk to us about any concerns.
What can I do to help my child apply for Sixth Form?
- Competition for Sixth Form places is stronger than ever. Starting early is key!
- Talk through future pathways with your child.
- Ensure your child is going along to Sixth Form Open Evenings and applying.
- Speak to the Year 11 team is you need assistance.